Bring the magic of a sunset right into your garden bed with the Tecolote® Ranunculus Sunset! The bright orange blooms are 4-5" in diameter and resemble a peony with multiple petals per bloom. Tecolote® Ranunculus have been bred for over 60 years and are known for prolific, long-lasting blooms that help creates beautiful gardens and amazing cut flower arrangements! Plant in your garden bed or container and enjoy these stunning flowers in late Spring and early Summer!
*These bulbs will need at least 4-6 weeks of cool (evening 40-50° & daytime 60-75°) weather to sprout. If too warm, they will stay dormant. Can take 6-8 weeks to sprout. Zones 4-7 plant in spring/ Zones 8-11 plant in fall.
Click here for a complete guide to Ranunculus found on our Bulb Blog!