Deer Resistant
Products 1-56 of 349
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 31101 -
Star of Persia Allium is an excellent cut flower either in fresh or dried condition. Its 10-12" bloom is amethyst-violet color and loose umbel. This variety is considered to be the most beautiful allium and has very dense flowers in each of its blooms. 25 Star of Persia Allium bulbs cover 16 square feet. Click here for additional information on growing alliums! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 31105 -
Ivory Queen Allium is a short variety reaching heights of 6-10" at maturity. This compact allium is best for border plantings. The 5-6" diameter ball blooms are snow white! Best planted in full sun, well drained soil, and will bloom in late Spring. Click here for additional information on growing alliums!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 31109 -
Let the spherical, white blooms of this hard-to-find White Allium adorn the back of your border in late Spring. This is a relatively new hybrid that grows 3' tall with 4-6" diameter blooms. They combine well with other tall growing Allium such as Gladiator Allium or Globemaster Allium. Like other Allium this will make a great cut flower, is resistant to deer, squirrels and other pests, and will return for several years! Click here for additional information on growing alliums! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32100 -
Our large-cupped Narcissi Red Devon is a yellow flower with a bright scarlet-orange cup. Daffodil growers boast that Red Devon is one of the most fragrant daffodils in existence. It comes 100 bulbs per bag and it enjoys the sun and partial shade. The best part about these bulbs is that they are top-sized! Our competitors charge $80 - $90 for the same thing! Take advantage of this deal while it lasts! New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32101 -
The Dutch Master Super Pack comes 100 bulbs per bag and the daffodil will do well in any garden. Plant daffodils in sun to partial shade. Strong and reliably perennials these daffodils will return for several years. Plant a few groupings of yellow daffodils throughout your yard for burst of cheer in spring. Also, works well naturalized along a wooded natural area. As an added bonus, the Dutch Master is deer resistant and it makes a great cut flower. Daffodils are some of the...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32103 -
Daffodils and Narcissi are probably the best known and most widely grown of all bulbs, and to many they are the true indicator of Spring. They look wonderful mass-planted in the garden or naturalized in grass, but they also make great pot plants and excellent cut flowers. Our competitors are selling the same thing for $90 - $100, but not only do we beat their prices, we beat their quality; our bulbs are top-sized! Don't pass on this great deal! * Please note the varieties that are shown in the...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32109 -
The double flowers of this group look more cultivated than other types of narcissi and look nice in formal perennial borders. Ice King is named after the broad band of white at the rim of the sulphur-yellow flower. Symbolizes new beginnings and ensures happiness. Used as March birth month flower and for 10yr wedding anniversaries. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32112 -
Mount Hood is a pure all white trumpet daffodil. The Mount Hood thrives in the sun and the shade, grows well in beds, borders, and containers. They are deer resistant. Symbolizes new beginnings and ensures happiness. Used as March birth month flower and for 10yr wedding anniversaries. The blooms, which first appear somewhat pale yellow, quickly change to pure white and reach 5" across. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32116 -
- Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Actaea Recurvis Narcissus
Narcissus species Actaea Recurvus is often called the pheasant's eye or Poeticus narcissus. A stunning flower: white with a small yellow eye, edged with a deep-red margin. Excellent for naturalizing. For the real aficionado. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32117 -
Rock Garden Narcissus Topolino is a dwarf species narcissus, with a small, strikingly white flower and soft yellow nose. Probably the most beautiful small narcissus in our assortment. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32126 -
Narcissus large-cupped Carlton looks like a trumpet with 5" blooms! One of the most yellow narcissi. Very strong and adaptable. Does very well indoors! Symbolizes new beginnings and ensures happiness. Used as March birth month flower and for 10yr wedding anniversaries. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32127 -
Dutch Master daffodil is one of few traditional yellow daffodils with a large yellow trumpet and sturdy green stem. Blooms mid-spring. Dutch Master daffodil bulbs love the sun and partial-shade. Symbolizes new beginnings and ensures happiness. Used as March birth month flower and for 10yr wedding anniversaries. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32130 -
A compact and very elegant hybrid with pendant, lemon-yellow flowers, 3 to 5 on each stem. Great for the rock garden or forcing in a shallow pot with species crocus. Symbolizes new beginnings and ensures happiness. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32131 -
Narcissus cyclamineus belongs to the smaller types of narcissi. Elegant bulbs with slender flowers which like a rather moist soil in sun and shade. Jetfire Daffodils are one of the best American hybrids. Large golden-yellow flowers with a bright orange-red trumpet. Symbolizes new beginnings and ensures happiness. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32133 -
These miniature daffodils are great for container planting but also a favorite for naturalizing in fields or borders. Their simple, rounded shape and two-tone (white with yellow center) coloring make them one of the cutest daffodils we offer. Our Minnow daffodil (tazetta narcissus) bulbs will flower year after year. Symbolizes new beginnings and ensures happiness. Used as March birth month flower and for 10yr wedding anniversaries. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32138 -
Tahiti Double Narcissi has beautiful golden yellow petals and an orange center. Symbolizes new beginnings and ensures happiness. Used as March birth month flower and for 10yr wedding anniversaries. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32168 -
Daffodils are the best-known and the most widely-grown out of all bulbs. To many, they are the true indicator of Spring. The Pink Pride Daffodil has a beautiful peachy-pink center that makes it a unique and favorite variety. The Pink Pride Daffodil symbolizes new beginnings and happiness. It is also the March birth month flower and is used for 10 year wedding anniversaries. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32169 -
Dutch Master is a traditional yellow daffodil with a large yellow trumpet and sturdy green stem. Blooms mid-spring, Dutch Master loves the sun and part-shade. Symbolizes new beginnings and ensures happiness. Used as March birth month flower and for 10yr wedding anniversaries. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32170 -
Red Devon daffodils are a large-cupped variety with clear, lemon yellow petals and a large, scarlet orange cup. If you are looking for a fragrant daffodil for your garden or bouquets, look no further, as Red Devon Daffodils are one of the most fragrant daffodils available. Our jumbo bag features 50 daffodil bulbs for an always low price, meaning more blooms for your buck. Space daffodils 4-6" apart, and plant 6-8" deep in fall or early winter. New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32171 -
This package of Naturalizing Daffodils "Narcissus" will grow in abundance and is especially combined for naturalizing. Coming back year after year, they are great for areas with high deer population as they are a great deer resistant bulb. A striking combination of pure white and bright sunny yellow will make next spring worth waiting for. Symbolizes new beginnings and ensures happiness. Used as March birth month flower and for 10yr wedding anniversaries. New to planting daffodils? Click here...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 33104 -
Crocus vernus is the source of the magnificent large-flowered varieties, obtained by Dutch bulb growers. It is an exceptionally strong species which grows very quickly into big clumps. Crocus vernus 'Jeanne d'Arc' is virgin-white and has yellow stamens. New to planting Fall bulbs? Click here for advice from our Bulb Blog!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 33108 -
Yellow Mammoth Crocus is a top-selling giant yellow crocus. Growing 4" tall, these early bloomers will look great mixed in your landscape or in a bed or border. Yellow Mammoth Crocus glows with golden-yellow 2-3" diameter blooms in early spring. Add these crocus to your lawn, or mixed into natural areas to add bursts of glowing blooms. Plant 10-15 Yellow Mammoth Crocus for a beaming burst of golden yellow blooms and the biggest impact of color. New to planting Fall bulbs?...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 33131 -
These lovely flowers are one of the first wildflowers to bloom in deciduous woodlands in the spring. Great naturalizer, plant these beauties along a wooded edge for some color or in between your perennials for fillers! Have a sweet fragrance and blooms that are approximately 1" across, these Scilla are bound to be some of your favorites!Looking for tips on planting fall bulbs? Click here to visit our bulb blog! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 33114 -
Muscari botryoides Album is the white variety of common grape hyacinth. Like all Muscari, they need a warm and sunny spot in the garden. Then they will perennialize easily and reward you with lots of flowers each year.Looking for tips on planting fall bulbs? Click here to visit our bulb blog!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 33143 -
Scilla Siberica, also known as Siberian Squill has bright blue spikes with blooms that will flower for many weeks. Excellent for naturalizing and to use under spring flowering shrubs. Deer and rodent resistant.Looking for tips on planting fall bulbs? Click here to visit our bulb blog!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 35122 -
These amazing white Dutch iris will have you thinking of angels' wings when you see them in the garden! The 'White Van Vliet' Dutch Iris is a pure white iris with a brilliant yellow tongue which rises 20-24" into the air. These are extremely popular in cut flower displays and are truly heavenly! Flower used for February Birthdays and 25th Wedding Anniversaries. Also Symbolizes faith, hope & wisdom, eloquence and deep sentiment. Click here for more information on planting Fall bulbs,...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 34101 -
Carnagie is a bright white colored Hyacinth. Hyacinth orientalis is the species from which all our garden hyacinths have been derived. All hyacinths are very fragrant and excellent plants for containers and pots for forcing. Make little gardens by putting hyacinths, Muscari and for instance pansies in different shades of one color together in a container. Click here for additional information on growing Hyacinth! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 34105 -
Add a pop of color to your Spring landscape with the bright pink to red Jan Bos Hyacinth! Jan Bos Hyacinth is the winner of multiple horticultural awards. It offers a lovely sweet fragrance and is also deer resistant! Make sure to make Jan Bos part of your Spring garden bed! Click here for additional information on growing Hyacinth!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47015 -
Splendid Cornelia Hyacinths are a light purple fragrant hyacinth. Pre-chilled bulbs are perfect for gardeners living in areas that do not get cold enough temperatures for their bulbs to bloom. Pre-chilled bulbs are also great for indoor forcing, which creates indoor blooms. *Our pre-chilled bulbs are ready for shipping starting in mid-December. By this time they have received the minimum amount of cold temperatures required for forcing and flower bud production.* You can complete...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47016 -
Amethyst Hyacinths have fragrant purple blooms, and are some of the easiest flower bulbs for forcing in pots and vases! *Our pre-chilled bulbs are ready for shipping starting in mid-December. By this time they have received the minimum amount of cold temperatures required for forcing and flower bud production.* You can complete this "forcing" process indoors or out. If you need more help on forcing, please refer to our help section it has everything you need to successfully force flower bulbs! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47020 -
Ice Follies Daffodils are large cupped daffodils that have white outer petals and a yellow to sulfur yellow cup. Ice Follies Daffodils will grow well outside in warm climates, they can also be used for indoor forcing in pots. Our pre-chilled bulbs receive at least 8+ weeks of the required cold temperatures needed before shipping and planting. Pre-chilled bulbs are great for forcing indoors, as well as for climates where consistently cool temperatures are not available. *Our pre-chilled bulbs...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47033 -
Muscari also known as Grape Hyacinths are great for indoor forcing in containers. Mucari need 13-15 weeks of cold (temperatures consistently below 55 degrees F) in order to grow and bloom correctly If you live in a climate where you do not have these cold temperatures needed for the muscari to bloom our pre-chilled bulbs are a great choice for planting outdoors, since we have provided the cold temperatures needed for the bulbs to bloom. Our pre-chilled bulbs receive at least 8+ weeks of the...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47038 -
California Daffodils are an iconic Spring blooming bulb. California Daffodils are your classic large blooming yellow daffodil, which appear in early to mid spring.California Daffodils are some of the best daffodils to grow in warm climates! Our pre-chilled bulbs receive at least 8+ weeks of the required cold temperatures needed before shipping and planting. Pre-chilled bulbs are great for forcing indoors, as well as for climates where consistently cool temperatures are not available. *Our...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47039 -
Blue Jacket Hyacinths are a very popular spring flower with many clusters of deep blue fragrant flowers. Hyacinths are some of the easiest bulbs to force for indoor blooms. If you are new to forcing bulbs, hyacinths will be a great choice for you! Our pre-chilled bulbs receive at least 8+ weeks of the required cold temperatures needed before shipping and planting. Pre-chilled bulbs are great for forcing indoors, as well as for climates where consistently cool temperatures are not available....
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47040 -
Pink Pearl are a true pink hyacinth with fragrant flowers. Hyacinth bulbs are some of the easiest bulbs to force for growing in pots and vases. *Our pre-chilled bulbs are ready for shipping starting in mid-December. By this time they have received the minimum amount of cold temperatures required for forcing and flower bud production.* You can complete this "forcing" process indoors or out. If you need more help on forcing, please refer to our help section it has everything you need to...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47046 -
Tete a Tete Daffodils are among the most popular bulbs for forcing indoors. They also grow well in warm climates, such as zone 8 and 9 when they have been chilled prior to planting. *Our pre-chilled bulbs are ready for shipping starting in mid-December. By this time they have received the minimum amount of cold temperatures required for forcing and flower bud production.* You can complete this "forcing" process indoors or out. If you need more help on forcing, please refer to our help section...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47047 -
Fuel up your indoor blooms with Jetfire Daffodils. . Jetfire daffodils are a dwarf variety, which grow 8-12" tall. Jetfire Daffodils have yellow petals with a light orange cup. If growing for indoor forcing we suggest planting 5 per 6" container. Jetfire Daffodils perform well in areas with warmer winter temperatures to be planted outdoors. Our pre-chilled bulbs receive at least 8+ weeks of the required cold temperatures needed before shipping and planting. Pre-chilled bulbs are great for...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47051 -
Flower Record Crocus are an early blooming variety which grow about 4-6" tall. Crocus work well forced in vases, or pots with other chilled bulbs. *Our pre-chilled bulbs are ready for shipping starting in mid-December. By this time they have received the minimum amount of cold temperatures required for forcing and flower bud production.* Pre-chilled bulbs are great for forcing indoors, as well as for climates where consistently cool temperatures are not available. Tulips need 12-16 weeks of...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47052 -
Yellow Mammoth Crocus are a large golden yellow flowering crocus. Crocus can be forced in vases, or in pots with our pre-chilled bulbs. *Our pre-chilled bulbs are ready for shipping starting in mid-December. By this time they have received the minimum amount of cold temperatures required for forcing and flower bud production.* Pre-chilled bulbs are great for forcing indoors, as well as for climates where consistently cool temperatures are not available. You can complete this "forcing"...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47055 -
A mixture of dwarf dutch iris which will grow 6-8" tall and look lovely in your favorite pot. Pre-chilled bulbs are perfect for gardeners living in areas that do not get cold enough temperatures for their bulbs to bloom. *Our pre-chilled bulbs are ready for shipping starting in mid-December. By this time they have received the minimum amount of cold temperatures required for forcing and flower bud production.* You can complete this "forcing" process indoors or out. If you need more help on...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 34109 -
The soft lilac hue of the Splendid Cornelia Hyacinth is a cheerful addition to any mid-Spring blooming landscape! The small star-shaped florets are highly fragrant and deer resistant. Standing only about 12" tall, these lovely hyacinth are a great option as a border plant. Click here for additional information on growing Hyacinth!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 47012 -
Carnegie Hyacinths have fragrant white flowers that fill your garden and home with sweet scents. Pre-chilled bulbs are perfect for gardeners living in areas that do not get cold enough temperatures for their bulbs to bloom. Pre-chilled bulbs are also great for indoor forcing, which creates indoor blooms. *Our pre-chilled bulbs are ready for shipping starting in mid-December. By this time they have received the minimum amount of cold temperatures required for forcing and flower bud...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 35152 -
This famous yellow iris is loved by everyone! Plant in full sun or partial shade for a dazzling yellow color sure to be a showstopper in your garden. These easy-to grow-flowers are deer resistant and make excellent cut flowers. Click here for more information on planting Fall bulbs, courtesy of our Bulb Blog!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 37118 -
Fritillaria Meleagris is a mixture of white, purple-red and brown-red colored bell-shaped flowers. Its common names are: Snakes Head, Guinea Hen, or Mission Bells. The flower and bulb have a musky scent that keeps rabbits and deer away. Prefers moist conditions and is beautiful in grassland areas. *Plant bulb on its sideClick here to view our Fritillaria Planting Guide! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 36102 -
Cora Louise Itoh Peony is a beautiful addition to your garden beds. Lush green leaves stay strong all season, and the sturdy stems hold up the 8-10" diameter blooms well. No staking is necessary to keep the blooms upright for the Cora Louise Itoh Peony. Long bloom time and large blooms make Cora Louise a real super star in the garden. About the blooms of Cora Louise: Semi-double large up to 10" blooms in shades of white accented by bright purple in the center and yellow stamens. When your Cora...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 36103 -
Julia Rose Itoh Peony has lush green leaves and delightful color changing blooms. The sturdy stems will hold up the large and showy 6-10" blooms in late Spring. Blooms range from a rosy pink to a salmon coral. Vigorous and cold hardy perennial will provide joy for many years. Enjoy the large and showy blooms outside as well as inside in your vases and cut flowers. Expect plenty of long lasting blooms from this Itoh Hybrid Peony. Blooms can go for about 3-4 weeks with up to 50 blossoms per...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 37133 -
Iris Pallida Aureo Variegata is sure to turn heads in your garden! This sun loving plant forms golden yellow and grey green striped leaves. Towards early summer, you will see fragrant lavendar blue blooms emerge.
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 39167 -
A classic combination of dainty Tete a Tete Daffodils and Blue Grape Hyacinths. This pairing of fragrant mid-Spring blooming classics is great for growing in containers or for naturalized areas. New to planting Fall bulbs? Click here to learn all about them on our Bulb Blog!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 39168 -
Pink tulips and daffodils mixed together in one package of 30 bulbs. Double pink daffodils bloom mid-Spring and are complimented by the true pink tulips that bloom at the same time. New to planting Fall bulbs? Click here to learn all about them on our Bulb Blog!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 37119 -
Create a stunning spring display with the Spring Bells Fritillaria Blend. These charming bell-shaped blooms are sure to grab your attention in your garden. The Spring Bells mix offers shades of white, green, and purple. Fritillaria tend to have a musky smell that will keep the rabbits and deer away as well!Click here to view our Fritillaria Planting Guide!
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 35136 -
- Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Waterline Bearded Iris
The Waterline Bearded Iris will be sure to remind you of a waterfall. The pale blue standards are set atop a silvery blue falls. The Waterline Bearded Iris is an early to mid season blooming Bearded Iris. Cooling colors like Waterline Bearded Iris make spaces appear bigger. If you have a small space garden and want to create a more expansive look plant a grouping of Waterline Bearded Iris. Blue flowers are rare, and Waterline Bearded Iris is no exception. Add this iris to your...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 39181 -
- Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Pole Position Blend
A cheerful duo of creamy white dwarf daffodils and wine red dwarf iris create the Pole Position Blend. Both varieties will bloom together early to mid-Spring and will only reach of height of 8-12". This stunning combination is deer resistant, fragrant, and is the perfect height to use as a border combination on your Spring flower beds! New to planting Fall bulbs? Click here to learn all about them on our Bulb Blog! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 32120 -
- Buy 1 Get 1 FREE Sun Disc Daffodil
Sun Disc Daffodils is an award-winning miniature daffodil variety perfect for any Spring garden! Petite pale yellow petals form a disc-shape bloom accompanied by a small, bright yellow trumpet. Blooming in late Spring, this is a perfect daffodil to pair with late blooming tulips to create a colorful garden! New to planting daffodils? Click here to learn all about growing daffodils! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 31111 -
Pink Jewel Allium are sure to add some sparkle in your garden! The 3" flower heads consist of multiple light pink florets! Alliums love the sun and bloom in late Spring into early Summer. They do best in well drained soil and can even tolerate sandy soil. Pink Jewel Alliums are deer resistant and kept intact over Winter. They will provide Winter interest and provide some food for birds. Click here for additional information on growing alliums! ...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 37135 -
Your garden will become a sea of color with the Tecolote® Ranunculus Mixed! Shades of yellow, orange, white, red and pink blooms in early Summer will be the envy of the neighborhood! Each Tecolote® Ranunculus Bulb can produce up to 8-10 peony shaped flowers on sturdy stems. The double blooms can reach 4” to 5” across making these a highlight in any cut flower arrangement. *These bulbs will need at least 4-6 weeks of cool (evening 40-50° & daytime 60-75°) weather to...
Availability: In Stock
Item #: 37149 -
Soft and sweet is the perfect way to describe the colors included in our Tecolote® Ranunculus Pastel Mix. This mix consists of soft yellows, pinks and white creating a pastel paradise in your early Summer blooming garden! Tecolote® Ranunculus are a premium variety offering large, prolific blooms and strong, sturdy stems! Not only are they beautiful in your garden, they also create an awe inspiring long-lasting cut flower bouquet! *These bulbs will...