Robustus Foxtail lily (Eremerus robustus) has soft pink spires of blooms. These showy perennials will bloom in early Summer and prefer well drained soil. Not only do the blooms make great cut flowers, Foxtail Lily are deer, rabbit, and rodent resistant. Well drained soil is critical to the survival of the foxtail lilies, but once they are established in an area, they will live for a long time.
Click here to read our helpful Bulb Blog full of tips and tricks to growing Foxtail Lilies!
Bloom Time
 Early Summer | |
Mature Height
60 - 80 inches
Hardiness Zones
Zone 4 Hardy | |
Zone 5 Hardy | |
Zone 6 Hardy | |
Zone 7 Hardy | |
Zone 8 Hardy | |
 Full Sun | |
Plant in a sunny location with soil that drains well. Foxtail Lily
prefer sandy soil, if your soil is on the heavy side you will need to
add organic matter to loosen it up. The dormant roots of Foxtail Lilies
are large, and sprawling, often 6-8"+ in diameter. When preparing the
planting location dig out the area 12" or more to allow for adequate
space for the roots to grow and spread. The planting hole does should be
shallow, planting only approximately 2" deep. In cold climates such as
hardiness zone 5 and 6 be sure to add mulch for winter protection.