This charming flower does not resemble any of its kind. The tender white flowers have a purple heart and they dangle decoratively of a 32 inch stem. They flower one at a time and thus stay in bloom from early
august till the first frost. Also known as Acidanthera Murielae, also called Peacock Orchid or Peacock gladiolus.
Bloom Time
Summer | |
Mature Height
12 - 24 inches
Hardiness Zones
Zone 7 Hardy | |
Zone 8 Hardy | |
Zone 9 Hardy | |
Zone 10 Hardy | |
Suitable Zones
Zone 4 Suitable | |
Zone 5 Suitable | |
Zone 6 Suitable | |
Zone 7 Suitable | |
Zone 8 Suitable | |
Zone 9 Suitable | |
Zone 10 Suitable | |
Full Sun | |
Package Contents
25 corms