Commonly called Lily of the Nile and African Lily, this Blue Triumphator Agapanthus is a plant with many uses. Great for large landscapes, containers, and cutting gardens, this plants flower stalks reach 2-3 feet high, sometimes attaining four feet in height! Each flower head is made up of 30 to 50 deep blue trumpet type florets that make a flower duster 6-8 " across! Try one today and be the envy of your neighbors!
Bloom Time
 Late Summer | |
Mature Height
36 - 48 inches
Hardiness Zones
Zone 8 Hardy | |
Zone 9 Hardy | |
Zone 10 Hardy | |
Zone 11 Hardy | |
Suitable Zones
Zone 4 Suitable | |
Zone 5 Suitable | |
Zone 6 Suitable | |
Zone 7 Suitable | |
Zone 8 Suitable | |
Zone 9 Suitable | |
Zone 10 Suitable | |
Zone 11 Suitable | |
 Full Sun | |
Package Contents
3 rhizomes