Bloom Time
 Mid Spring | |
Mature Height
8 - 12 inches
Hardiness Zones
Zone 7 Hardy | |
Zone 8 Hardy | |
Zone 9 Hardy | |
Zone 10 Hardy | |
Suitable Zones
Zone 3 Suitable | |
Zone 4 Suitable | |
Zone 5 Suitable | |
Zone 6 Suitable | |
Zone 7 Suitable | |
Zone 8 Suitable | |
Zone 9 Suitable | |
Zone 10 Suitable | |
 Full Sun | |
 Partial Shade | |
Package Contents
25 bulbs
When to plant Anemone?
Plant Anemone in early to mid-fall.
How to plant Anemone bulbs?
Soak the Anemone bulbs in tepid water overnight prior to planting. Plant Anemone bulbs 1-1.5" deep. If you are unable to determine which side of the bulb is facing up lay the anemone bulbs on their side and they will straighten themselves out.
Where to plant Anemone bulbs?
The ideal planting location is one with loose soil that has plenty of organic matter. Plant in a location that receives full sun in spring but is shaded in summer, to keep the bulbs cool. A location that is shaded by leaves of trees or shrubs in summer will be ideal. Mr.Fokker Anemone are winter hardy in zones 7-9.
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